Snowmageddon Knitting

Hey, Snowmageddon came, Snowmageddon raged, Snowmageddon left. I don’t mean to be flippant here; this was a really serious storm here in Colorado and we are still in recovery mode. The house shook with the wind, the windows were plastered with snow,  drifts blocked both doors, and there is a new damp stain on one upstairs ceiling. Now, two days after the storm the melt-off is in full swing, the emergency shelters are once again empty, abandoned cars are getting dug out, and the power company is working around the clock to restore power. It will take days to get things closer to normal, but we are getting there.

Face of bear statue buried in snow drift.
I am a lucky, lucky girl. I never lost power, my new furnace kept me warm and toasty, and my neighbors dug out my walks and driveway before I even got up the next morning. 

MacKenzie and I knitted our way right through the storm. Really, best knitting weather ever. Look at what we got done:

Sweater in progress.
I now have both sleeves done on the new Sturgill sweater and am back to working on the body. Why did I do the sleeves before finishing the body? Two words: yarn chicken!!
We also took a break from the sweater to work on some simple socks. Hey. They match the sweater!
Cat on shoveled path through the snow.
Today I shoveled a path through the snow on the deck so MacKenzie could go outside. I’m not sure that he appreciated my efforts all that much…
Snow on bush.
…and it is clear that it will be several days before he can hang out under his favorite shrub again. Poor MacKenzie. Cats hate snow!
Happy cat wearing knitted project.
But they sure do help knitting!!

Today it is bright and sunny outside and I’m ready to head off to complete chores for the weekend. Then it will be time for more knitting. I am dying to get the sweater done before it is too warm to wear it!

After all, it is only 5 days until the start of spring.

Have a great (knitting) weekend, everyone!

Author: Midnight Knitter

I weave, knit and read in Aurora, Colorado where my garden lives. I have 2 sons, a knitting daughter-in-law, a grandson and two exceptionally spoiled kittens. In 2014 I was diagnosed with a serious rare autoimmune disease called systemic sclerosis along with Sjogren's Disease and fibromyalgia.

14 thoughts on “Snowmageddon Knitting”

    1. I do have wonderful neighbors! I haven’t figured out which one did the shoveling, but as soon as I do I will be delivering cookies.

      Thanks for the sweater compliment. It’s going to be a good one.

    1. I thought of you as I took the snow pictures! My neighbors are the best! They insist on checking in on me and help out since they know I have a chronic illness and live alone.

    1. That storm was crazy in its speed and intensity! Today it is sunny and warm, the melting is clearing all the roads and it’s almost hard to believe it happened. Out on the plains they are still opening roads and restoring power, so I’m sure the warmup is helping them. Thankfully they didn’t lose many livestock.

  1. Oh, my gosh! What a brilliant idea to knit the sleeves before finishing the body!! It would be so much easier to do the sleeves without the extra fabric of the full body to constantly have to turn and get out of the way. You’re a genius!!!

    1. I started using 2 short cable needles that let you turn the sleeve back and forth without having to turn the whole sweater which makes them so easy!! I have to admit, the knitting seems much easier with the sleeves already on!

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